

Become a Mississippi REALTOR® partner and get your company’s name, message, products and services in front of over 6.500 Mississippi REALTORS® multiple times throughout the year. Learn more about opportunities for our sponsors, exhibitors and advertisers.

Sponsorship Packages

Annual Partnership Packages

MAR’s annual sponsorship packages combine print advertising, electronic media advertising, website visibility, exhibitor opportunities and convention participation to help businesses gain top-of-mind brand recognition among REALTORS® throughout the state. Packages offer exceptional value compared to purchasing benefits a la carte.

Compare Sponsor Package Benefits (PDF)

Convention-only Sponsor Packages

Mississippi REALTORS® Convention & EXPO is the prime opportunity to meet REALTORS® from across Mississippi all in one convenient location. Many REALTOR® members attend the event and provide you with an unparalleled opportunity to strengthen your company’s competitive advantage.

Convention sponsorship packages are included as a benefit in the annual sponsor packages listed above, but can also be purchased separately. Convention sponsor benefits include logo recognition on convention signage and banners, podium recognition, Convention Guide advertising, convention registrations and passes to special VIP convention events.

All packages will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Some items in a package may be sold out at the time of purchase. Comparable substitutes will be made. Packages can be customized to fit your company’s specific marketing objectives.

Advertising Opportunities

Real Estate Leader magazine

Real Estate Leader is the association’s quarterly magazine mailed to over 6,500 REALTORS® and association constituents including business and governmental leaders. Year after year REALTORS® rate this publication as one of their most valued member benefits.

View Real Estate Leader Rate Card (PDF).
View past issues.

Convention Program Guide

The Mississippi REALTORS® Convention & EXPO draws over 600 attendees from across the state annually. Each convention attendee receives a Convention Program Guide and refers to it throughout the convention for meeting schedules, a directory of exhibitors, award winners, host city information and more. Placing an ad in this one-color publication is an economical way to promote your business among Mississippi’s top REALTORS®.

Questions? Need more information? Contact the Mississippi REALTORS® sales and marketing department today at 1-800-747-1103 or Denise McNemar.

Leadership Opportunities
Sponsorship packages combine print advertising, electronic media advertising, website visibility, exhibitor opportunities and convention participation.

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