
Author: Tyler Gorrell

The Mississippi REALTORS® were surprised and disappointed to learn of Governor Bryant’s Veto of HB 1476, The Broker Responsibility Act. The members of the Mississippi House and Senate demonstrated overwhelming bipartisan support for this proposed policy change. The Mississippi REALTORS® applaud Lieutenant Governor Reeves, Speaker...

If you've come here, you probably want to sign up for the free data breach monitoring tool I discussed in the Spring 2018 Leader Magazine.  The steps below are nice and simple, and should be relatively easy to follow. Enrolling in the HaveIBeenPwned Service First, you'll...

MAR Winter Meetings Recap [caption id="attachment_14421" align="alignnone" width="377"] Gary Parker and Schneika Stokes, Chair and Vice Chair of 2018 MAR Professional Standards Committee, conduct this committee meeting with staff liaison Jeanelle Marshall.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_14431" align="alignnone" width="374"] David Griffith, Karen Glass, and Kris Davis participate in the 2018...

A deeper look at Email Signing There are two approaches for email signing.  There is a method referred to as PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) and another method called S/MIME.  To keep things simple, we're going to use the S/MIME method for our project today.  This is...